Get Approved Fast! Driving a dependable vehicle is a must. Your vehicle gets you to work on time everyday and gets your family everywhere life takes you. Unfortunately, it's not always very easy to get an auto loan. Obtaining an auto loan requires good credit and most people just don't have that. We Approve Everyone Regardless of Credit Score! We take pride in finding you financing options that fit your budget. You can rest easy knowing that you can afford a dependable, safe vehicle and work on rebuilding your credit score at the same time when you shop for your next car at Sterling Motors. We specialize in bad credit car loans and buy here pay here options. Visit One of Our Locations! Whether you just started looking for your next car or you are ready to start the approval process, you are always welcome at our dealership in Watertown. You can speed up the approval process by visiting us in person with the following items. 1. Most recent pay stub 2. Utility bill or lease agreement in your name 3. Down payment in cash We would love to help with any questions about financing or our current inventory. Just contact us by phone or online and we’d be happy to answer any questions you may have.
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